Get The Music You Want To Hear
Found out a really cool way to get cool music without p2p progs or HTTP/FTP sites.Best thing of all:NO QUEUES,NO PASSWORDS...Here it is:
1.Get Yahoo Messenger [BETA] here:
2.Wait for it to download,then run it and let it download another 5 MB or so.
3.Get FairStar MP3 Recorder here:
After testing Total Recorder and another prog,the FairStar product is the best RECORDING MP3s from a source,in our case the INTERNET RADIO.
4.Fire up LAUNCHcastRadion in Yahoo Messenger [BETA] and choose a station or a genre.
5.Start up FairStart MP3 Recorder,go to Record Options and CHECK autosetting,go to Encoder-MP3 and UN-CHECK enable VBR and choose 128 or 192 KBs.Also make sure you choose your OUTPUT folder and you're done.
6.Hit record or whatever and awaaaaaay you go.
More soon...